• List out the endpoint of all RDS instances inside an account
aws rds describe-db-instances | jq ".DBInstances[].Endpoint"


Read capacity

  1. One read capacity unit represents one strongly consistent read per second, or two eventually consistent reads per second, for an item up to 4 KB in size
  2. Transactional read requests require two read capacity units to perform one read per second for items up to 4 KB

Write capacity

  1. One write capacity unit represents one write per second for an item up to 1 KB in size
  2. Transactional write requests require 2 write capacity units to perform one write per second for items up to 1 KB

Managed Backup: Point-in-time recovery

  • A backup is auto created when table is deleted, naming convention of table-name$DeletedTableBackup

Restoring from backup

We need to restore the backup to a different table, cant restore in-place
