
Asynchronous Sequential Circuit

  • Sequential Circuit that is Level Sensitive, thus the changes to state are not syn·chro·nized to a particular timing
  • Usually operate based on events or conditions

Limited Control over State Changes

The above 4-bit Register is made of 4 Data Latch. When the Store Input is active, the above asynchronous circuit will keep updating the state. If we want a particular state, we need to turn the Store Input to inactive which is hard to achieve in a reliable way. Because everything happens in a fraction of a second.

If we want to have precise control over state changes in a reliable & predicable manner, we can use a Synchronous Sequential Circuit which is synchronised with a Clock Oscillator.

Level Sensitive

  • Also known as Pulse-triggered

  • Output is affected immediately by the input as long as the control signal is active

  • Active High when it is considered to be active when level is high

  • Active Low when it is considered to be active when level is low

Synchronous Sequential Circuit

Benefit of Synchronisation

Ability to coordinate and manage the flow of information within the circuit in a reliable & predicable way.

The flat parts are the breathing room to set things up like turning off the store signal if we want it to stop execution on the ALU, making it easier to design and analyze.


  • Output only changes at a specific time, usually when Clock Signal change from one edge to another

2 types

  • Positive edge triggering: Transition from a low voltage (0) to a high voltage (1) on the clock signal
  • Negative edge triggering: Transition from a high voltage (1) to a low voltage (0) on the clock signal


Sequential Circuit State

  • Also known as feedback
  • Past outputs


3 types

  1. Bistable (2 stable states), like Latch
  2. Monostable or one-shot (1 stable state)
  3. Astable (no stable state)