
  • Stands for Uniform Resource Locator
  • Specifies the location of a resource and how to access it using a Network Protocol such as http, https, or ftp

URL Path

  • Specific part of the URL that identifies the location of a resource on the server
  • For example, in https://blog.yxy.ninja/resume.pdf, the URL Path is /resume.pdf. Note: This is not the same as a URL Path Parameter!

URL Path Parameter

  • Path parameters are dynamic segments in a URL path used to identify resources or pass information to the server


Given http://localhost:3000/users/123/posts/456

  • 123 is the value for the path parameter userId
  • 456 is the value for the path parameter postId

In Express.js, path parameters are accessed through the req.params object. For the given URL, req.params would look like: { userId: '123', postId: '456' }.

URL Query

  • A URL Query allows the client to customise the resource it is trying to obtain from a particular URL Path
  • The query string is appended after the URL path, starting with a ? and followed by key-value pairs


Single query parameter: ?KEY=VALUE

Multiple query parameters: ?KEY=VALUE&KEY=VALUE


Given http://localhost:3000/users/123/posts?sort=asc&limit=10

  • sort=asc is a query parameter specifying the sort order
  • limit=10 is a query parameter specifying the number of results to return

In Express.js, query parameters are accessed through the req.query object. For the given URL, req.query would look like: { sort: 'asc', limit: '10' }.


  • A human-readable, simplified part of a URL used to identify a specific page or resource on a website (The URL Path)
  • A normal URL can be something like https://notes.yxy.ninja/article.php?id=123&title=Interesting%20Facts%20About%20Coding. A Slug-based URL is something like https://notes.yxy.ninja/interesting-facts-about-coding