- A Network Protocol for implementing Distributed Consensus
- Can stay consistent in the face of Network Partitions (Detailed can be found at Secrete lives of data)
- Equivalent to Paxos Consensus Algorithm in terms of Fault-tolerance and performance, but simpler
3 States for a Node
Follower Node
- All Nodes start in the Follower Nodes state
Leader Node
- All changes from Client to the raft cluster go through the Leader Node
Candidate Node
- If Follower Node doesn’t hear from Leader Node, then it becomes a Candidate Node
2 Main Concepts
Leader Election
- Candidate Node requests votes from other nodes, becomes a Leader Node if it gets votes from a majority of nodes
- 2 timeout settings that control elections - Election Timeout & Heartbeat Timeout
Log Replication
Log Replication is how a change is made using Append Entries
- Each change is added as a entry in the Leader Node’s log
- Log entry is currently uncommitted, so it doesn’t update the Leader Nodes’s state
- To commit the entry, the Leader Nodes first replicates it to the Follower Node via Append Entries
- Leader Nodes waits until a majority of nodes have written the entry
- Entry then committed on Leader Nodes, state updated
- A response then sent back to Client
- Leader then notifies the Follower Nodes that the entry is committed
- The Follower Nodes committed the entries, state updated
- Cluster now come to Distributed Consensus about the system state
Heartbeat Timeout
Election Timeout
- The amount of time a Follower Node waits until becoming a Candidate Node
- Randomized to be between 150ms and 300ms
- After the Election Timeout, a new Election Term starts
Append Entries
- Heartbeat sent in intervals specified by the Heartbeat Timeout
- When a Follower Node receives append entries, it resets Election Timeout
Split Vote
- Occurs when 2 Candidate Node get the same number of votes
- Countered by starting a new Election Term
Election Term
Actions taken by Candidate Node
- Vote for itself
- Sends out Request Votes messages to other nodes
- If the receiving node hasn’t voted yet in this Election Term then it votes for the new Candidate Nodes & reset its Election Timeout
- Once a Candidate Nodes has a majority of votes, it becomes Leader Node → guarantees only one leader can be elected per term (Exception: Split Vote)
- The new Leader Nodes sending out Append Entries messages to its Follower Node
- Follower Nodes then respond to each Append Entries messages
- The Election Term will continue until a Follower Nodes stops receiving Append Entries & becoming a new Candidate Nodes (Election Timeout)