
  • Defines the way how a computer system manages and accesses data storage


Accumulator ISA and Stack ISA use implicit operands.

The implicit operand in Stack-based architecture is “top-of-the-stack” whereas in accumulator-based architecture it is a special register called an accumulator.

Accumulator ISA

  1. load A: Load value from Main Memory into accumulator which is a special Register!
  2. add B: Add value from Main Memory and value in the accumulator. The sum is stored back to the accumulator
  3. store C: Store value in accumulator into Main Memory

Load-Store ISA

Data Loading

Can only load data at Word boundaries.

Memory-Memory ISA

Stack ISA

  1. push A, push B: We load values from Main Memory onto the Stack
  2. add: Remove the top 2 values in the Stack, add them, and load the sum onto top of Stack
  3. pop C: Transfer value at top of Stack to Main Memory