
  • Can be either Virtual Address or Physical Address
  • For a k-bit address, the addressable space is 2
  • Largest address possible is 2^k-1, because we count from 0

Byte Addressing

Word Addressing

Memory Addressing

  • Methods used to access data stored

Sequential Addressing

  • Ordered access, time depends on position
  • One example is tape storage

Direct Addressing

  • The data retrieval time depends on the current and target positions of the read/write head. Unlike sequential addressing, the head can jump directly to the target location, bypassing everything in between.
  • One example is Hard Disk

Random Access Addressing

  • Allows direct access to any memory location in constant time. This means a specific memory address can be accessed instantly, regardless of its position within the memory, exhibiting time complexity. This contrasts with sequential access, where memory must be accessed in order, or direct addressing, which requires jumping to a specific location
  • One example is DRAM

Associative Addressing

  • Content-based access method where there is no specific memory address to expect the data. The storage system stores both the data and the address it originated from, associating a tag in the cache with the corresponding location in the main memory
  • One example is CPU Cache which is SRAM
