
2 Cores


  • Represent resources in a way(URI) for clients to consume

State Transfer

  • This architecture is Stateless Network Protocol so a state is required to be exchanged for client-server to have a continuous communication

6 Rules



Uniform Interface

  • Each resource is represented by a different URI
  • With 4 main actions for clients to tell servers what it want to do. The actions can be categories into CRUD, except Create - POST, the rest is Idempotent
Create - POST
Read - GET
Update - PUT
Delete - DELETE


Layer System

  • We can place a load balancer in front of the client. This makes it harder for the client to fully understand the underlying architecture
  • We can also add an extra layer of security, such as an API Gateway or a Web Application Firewall to enhance protection
  • It also becomes easier to scale the architecture; for example, you can add Lambda functions with these layers acting as abstraction layers

Code on Demand

Best Practices

The endpoint/resource should be noun instead verb

  • Actions verbs are represented by the request type

Use Pagination when server returns a large amount of data

  • The server should accept the pagination parameters from clients
  • If not specified, server should have default parameter values


  • Allow backward-compatibility when we introduce breaking changes, so consumers get enough time to move to the next version
  • We can version the api by prefix the version in-front of the Resource like /v1/products, /v2/products


Simple & Standardised

  • Because the server does not need to programmed to keep track of any state information


  • Each request to a stateless API can be handled by any server, regardless of the state of the client or the previous requests that the client has made

High Performance


  • Server doesn’t to need to worry about losing state information in the event of a failure


Requires In-Depth Documentation

Can’t Get Customised Resources

  • We get all the data from an URI, then have to perform client-side manipulation to get what we actually want - waste Bandwidth



  • A service that uses REST API to communicate


  • A subset of the services a server provides to the client