- A Linear collection of elements of the same Datatype that stored in Discrete Memory Location. Each node contains a Pointer that references the next node in the sequence
Efficiently adjustable size
If we want to add in a new node, we only need to modify the pointer of the previous node and the next node, which takes constant time. Since nodes are connected via pointers, they can be located anywhere in Main Memory. This allows us to add more nodes as long as there is free memory space sufficient for a single node.
Cache Miss!!!
Since the connection between 2 nodes are via Pointer, the nodes are scattered around the Main Memory. This means we can’t make use of Cache Locality and this results in a very high rate Cache Miss.
Memory Leak
For languages like C which doesn’t come with a Garbage Collector, we need to manually release deleted node from the Heap Segment to prevent Memory leak.
Linked list node implemented with Java
Print Out Linked List
Draw It Out
When unsure about the relationship, draw out the nodes & pointers. It really makes the visualization of the manipulation easy!
Virtual Node
- to access either the head node or the tail node, this makes handling edge cases & reverting linked list easier.
Time Complexity
to search for a value.
It takes to obtain the node at a particular position, because the desired Memory Address can’t be obtained by simply incrementing the index like what we can do with Array. what we have at the start of every indexing is the memory address of the next node, we need to traverse n-1 nodes in order to access nth node.
Insert, Delete
, we only need the node’s previous node and next node, make the corresponding pointer changes.
We need to index the node before we can perform insertion and deletion. And it takes for indexing. So generally, insertion and deletion in linked list results in . Unless the operation is performed at the head node or tail node of the linked list. It is recommended to use Array by default unless there are reasons and measurements that show using Linked List is better, refer to Are lists evil? — Bjarne Stroustrup : Standard C++ for more details.
Space Complexity
- Uses more Main Memory compared to Array, because each node contains value, and also a Pointer to the next node
Single Linked List
- Implement Stack and Queue, it is to add/remove node from the tail of Linked List, counting in the indexing time
- Used in Hash Map to implement Separate Chaining to handle Hash Collision
- Implement Graph, where each node has Pointer to link up with other nodes
Double Linked List
- Implement Advanced Data Structure, like Red Black Tree where we need to know the parent node of a given node
- Implement Eviction Policy like LRU
- Implement Browser History Navigation. When we at a page, knowing what is the previous page (parent node) & what is the next page(child node). This makes the browsing experience more smooth
Node Implementation
Circular Linked List
- Implement Process Scheduling Algorithms, each Process (进程) get a small piece CPU time, each Process (进程) takes turn to execute, forming a loop