
  • A brute-force method that explores all possible paths


Backtracking is an Algorithm Strategy, while Recursion is more like a Algorithm Tool. Recursion powers searching problems.

回溯算法通常并不显式地对问题进行拆解,而是将问题看作一系列决策步骤,通过试探和Pruning (剪枝), 搜索所有可能的Solution (解). We can perform Pruning to improve the performance, but this will not change the overall worst case


Iterative Recursion doesn’t work well to implement this algorithm, stick to Recursion - backtracking allows us to implicitly create multiple nested for-loops until we find the desired answer

Tips in solving Leetcode


  • For example, when finding the sum in questions, sort the given array before backtracking. This allows you to skip the rest of the loops if the next element is larger. Thus, Pruning (剪枝) is achieved

Handling Duplicates in Combination

  • For Combination, each element can be used only once, so we need to remove duplicates. We can achieve this by sorting the given set. At each level, skip elements with the same value as the previous element
// In the primary function
// In Backtracking function
while (startIdx < nums.length) {
  // ... 
  startIdx++; // go to the next element
  while (startIdx < nums.length && nums[startIdx] == nums[startIdx - 1])
    startIdx++; // skipping duplicate elements

2 Ways to Handle Duplicates in Permutation

  1. To remove duplicates at each level, you can utilise a Hash Map or array, particularly if the element values are within a small, known range (e.g., 0 to n-1)
// Without the need to sort the given array in the primary function
// In Backtracking function
boolean[] duplicates = new boolean[n];
for (int i=0; i<nums.length; i++) { 
	if (duplicates[nums[i]]) continue;
	duplicates[nums[i]] = true;
	// ...
  1. Sort the given array, then remove duplicates by checking if the previous element is the same as the current element and hasn’t been used yet. This ensures that the previous element with the same value can be used, thus avoiding duplicate Permutation
// In the primary function
// In Backtracking function
if (i>0 && nums[i-1]==nums[i] && visited[i-1]==false) continue;

Leetcode Questions


For Combination Questions, Solution (解) is obtained by collecting the State (状态) at the Leaf Node.

For Subset (子集), Solution (解) is obtained by collecting the State (状态) at all nodes.

Refer to here for questions on Permutation.

Subset (子集)

Maintain Given Order

Chessboard Problem


Solution (解)

Constraint (约束条件)

  • Conditions that limit the Solution (解), usually used in Pruning (剪枝)
  • For example, the solution must contain certain number of nodes or sum up to a particular value

State (状态)

  • Represents the problem at any point of the time, including the choices made

Attempt (尝试)

  • The process of finding potential Solution (解) with the provided choices
  • Including making the choice, updating the State (状态) and check if it is the solution

Backtracking (回退)

  • Removing the previous choice made & return to the previous State (状态)

Pruning (剪枝)

  • To conserve computational resources, avoid fully exploring paths that, based on Constraint (约束条件), cannot lead to viable solutions


When a problem requires a Solution (解) containing a specific number of nodes, we can terminate the current attempt if it becomes impossible to reach that target number.