⚠️ Pre-requisites
Package Manager
Daily Apps
- Floorp, a Firefox-based browser, Install Bypass Paywalls
- Arc - Chrome-based browser with great UX
- Google Drive Client - Cloud storage
- Obsidian - Note taking App
- Notion - Note taking app
- Anytype - Notion but local
- Telegram Desktop - Messaging app
- StrongBox - Password Manager
- Gifski - GIF convertor
- Tutanota- Private email
- List of Wonderful Apps Waiting to Be Explored!
Terminal & Shell Setup
- Install FiraCode Nerd Font - Terminal Font (Download Fira Code and Fira Mono from the release page, then drag and drop them into Font Book)
- ZSH - Shell
- iterm2 - Terminal
- Termius - Terminal
- ohmyzsh - Shell Enhancement
Terminal Productivity Tools
Display of Icons
Make sure you install one of the Nerd Fonts to have icons display correctly inside your terminal. It is strongly recommended to complete Terminal & Shell Setup first!
- eza -
replacement - xcp -
replacement - zoxide -
replacement - bat -
replacement - Atuin -
replacement - joshuto - Terminal File Manager
- dua - Disk Usage Analyser
brew install btop
replacement -
brew install xh
- partial curl replacement -
- interactive command cheatsheet,man
brew install tealdeer
replacement -
- procs -
replacement -
brew install pueue
&pueued -d
to start - cli process manager -
- dotfile manager
- terminal recording & convert.cast
to gif
brew install watch
- Custom bash commands (to be added to
Programming Language Setup
- Python Toolset
brew install ipython
- JS Toolset
- Rust Toolset
- Go
npm i -g typescript
brew install elixir
- Java JDK
Software Engineering Tools
- Neovim
- Visual Studio Code
- Code Editor Setup
- GitKraken - Git GUI Tool
- Postman - API Testing Tool
- MySQL Workbench
- jq
brew install hyperfine
- A command-line benchmarking tool -
brew install --cask dbeaver-community
- Open-source DB viewer -
brew install gh
,gh auth login
for painless Github CLi Auth - Git Add-ons
brew install lnav
- Logfile Navigator
Virtualisation Tools
Cloud Computing
brew tap hashicorp/tap & brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform
brew install azure-cli
brew install infracost
brew install terraform-docs
- Obtain a ssh shell into ECS on local machine
- Update parameters in AWS Parameter Store in a semi automated way
- AWS Nuke
pipx install checkov
pipx install ddtrace
- cloudflared
- q -
replacement - Ngrok
- File Sharing
brew install telnet
basher install rauchg/wifi-password
- get the password for the WiFi you’re currently logged onto, make the following changes to the installed bash script at$HOME/.basher/cellar/bin/wifi-password.sh$
Some other useful tools
Hardware Tools
- GPU & Accelerator process monitoring
- Perf monitoring CLI tool for Apple Silicon
- rpi-imager
- arduino ide
brew install --cask logisim-evolution
- circuit design software
OS Config
- Add Geist Font, drag and drop the installed font to built-in app
Font Book
- Add Chinese Input
- Change Hostname
- Command used to give unverified app permissions to execute -
xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine/Applications/<APP_NAME>.app
- Terminal Cli Navigation Shortcut
- Remove an app from system entirely