
Cache Hit

Elements of array are stored in Main Memory in a compact manner, thus making great use of Cache Locality.


Array has a fixed size. If we want to expand, we have to create another bigger array & copy all the elements to the new array which is very time consuming.

It takes to search for a value.


Can be used to implement Hash Map when keys are fixed.

Element Removal in Array

  • Array has a fixed size, we can delete elements from them. However, the process is NOT as straightforward as simply removing the element and having the array automatically adjust. Here’s a breakdown of the options:
  • Overwriting (Not true deletion): The simplest way is to overwrite the element to be deleted with a placeholder value (e.g., null or a default value). This doesn’t change the array’s size, but effectively marks the element as removed
  • Shifting elements: To truly delete an element and maintain the order of the array, you need to shift all elements after the deleted one to the left by one position. This can be inefficient for large arrays. This is illustrated with the animation above
  • Creating a new array: A more flexible approach is to create a new array that excludes the deleted element. This avoids the shifting process but requires additional memory allocation

What is the time complexity of deletion in array?

For true deletion (removing the element and shifting others to fill the gap), it takes time to delete the last element. However, deleting an element from the front of the array or the middle of the array takes time.

This time complexity is same as the deletion operation.

Efficient array element deletion trick

I call this the ‘replace and pop’ trick which takes only time. We replace the element to be deleted with the last element in the array, then pop (remove) the last element.

This allows us to perform true deletion (removing and shifting) in time, regardless of the deleted element’s position. However, this is only suitable if we don’t mind changing the order of elements, as the last element’s index will be modified while the others remain unchanged.

This is useful trick in solving problems like Insert Delete GetRandom O(1).

Element Indexing in Array

  • It is to index any elements in an Array
  • is the indexing formula where elementIndex is when we try to access the first element
  • In most programming languages, my_array[i] is a convenient syntax that abstracts the process of accessing the element at index i in an array. While the underlying mechanism usually involves calculating the Memory Address of the element and then dereferencing that address to obtain the value

Array Versus Linked List

  • When iterating over all elements in an Array and a Linked List, the array is typically much faster if the elements are present in the CPU Cache. This is because arrays store elements in contiguous memory, allowing them to benefit from cache locality. However, when cache misses occur, an array may be slightly slower than a linked list, as it needs to calculate the memory address of each subsequent element, whereas the next element’s address is directly stored within each node of a linked list

Contiguous Segment

  • A continuous range of Array

Dynamic Array

  • Also known as List
  • A Datatype that contains a Pointer to the underlying Array and other metadata like the capacity of the array and the current size of the array. As shown above, the purple blocks contain the metadata of the dynamic array. The yellow blocks are the actual array that hold the elements

Dynamic array mechanism visualisation


Developers don’t need to re-write battle-tested logic of re-sizeing Array etc, battery-packed with best practices.


With the built-in expansion mechanism and length metadata, we are sure new elements aren’t added into Memory Address that belong to other parts of the Process (进程). Thus, ensuring Memory Safety.

More Resource Intense

We can’t fine tune every Array operations because the implementation details are abstracted away. We only have a limited interface to interact with it. And Dynamic array comes with metadata to support the different functionalities it offers.

Minimise re-sizing

If you know how big an array you want, it is usually recommended to set it as the capacity of your dynamic array. This reduce the need of frequent re-sizing operations which mean fewer allocation on Heap Segment. Thus, better performance.

Circular Array

  • Connect the start and end of the Array to form a loop
  • With taking remainder from frontIndex % arrayCapacity, we are able to implement circular array on an array. Take a look at Visual for better understanding
  • Used to implement Queue

Front Index

A variable to keep track the index for the start of the circular array.

Rear Index

A variable to keep track the index of the slot after the last element of the circular array, Can be obtained with frontIndex + arraySize.

JavaScript Array

Inserting a big index without the memory sacrifice

When inserting at a big index. We don’t need allocate an array in the Virtual Memory that large. It is just another key-value pair in the hash map!
