

Use the Ext4 for File System for easy expansion of the Flash Memory!


OpenWRT doesn’t uses ash instead of bash, so .bashrc doesn’t work, use /etc/profile instead.

OpenWrt Firmware Selector



OpenWRT comes with minimal set of tools, run the below command to update and install all the neccssary tools to install new tools & configure openwrt with breeze!

  • opkg install tar wget-ssl shadow-useradd shadow-usermod shadow-groupadd sudo openssh-sftp-server unzip curl bash git-http

GUI System Tools

Networking Tools

Proxy Tools

  • opkg install luci-app-openclash

System Tools

  • opkg install rclone(or install the zip from official site, ln -s /root/.bin/rclone /usr/bin/rclone) & Cronitor for OpenWRT Backup
  • opkg install python3
  • opkg install coreutils-nohup procps-ng-watch
  • opkg install file
  • opkg install stress
  • opkg install luci-app-dockerman

Third-party packages

OpenWRT Backup and Restore

Sample cronjob code

Make sure you have rclone, cronitor cli installed and a folder backup created in the root directory. For Cronitor cli, you need to download the installation script and remove the sudo from the script first, and cronitor discover didn’t work for me, you need to add in the cronitor wrapper yourself as shown below.

0 0 * * * cronitor exec <your_cronitor_job_key> "sysupgrade -b /root/backup/backup-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%F%T).tar.gz && /usr/bin/rclone sync /root/backup/ r2:<remote_cloud_storage_folder>"

OpenWRT restore

Personally I prefer to use the Web UI to restore the OpenWRT system configuration, then use SFTP to upload all the configuration files at the /root.
