def generate_dummy_file(file_path, size_gb): with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(b'\0' * (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * size_gb))file_path = input("Enter the name for the dummy file: ") + '.bin'size_gb = int(input("Enter the size in GB: "))generate_dummy_file(file_path, size_gb)print(f"Dummy file of size {size_gb}GB generated at '{file_path}'")
Model IO Device that has a collection of randomly addressable blocks like like Flash Memory
Character Special Files
Model IO Device that accept or output a character stream like keyboard
Line Break in File
POSIX systems uses a single character called Line Feed\n
While Windows uses carriage return and Line Feed, so 2 characters \r\n. This is because during typewriter times, you needed to mov the carriage to restart typing on the beginning of a line first, then turn the wheel to move the paper to change the line
You can install dos2unix and unix2dos using Brew to play with line break.
You can view the hidden line break character by downloading and configuring bat.
Useful CLi Tools
A cat clone with wings.
brew install bat && echo "alias cat='bat'" >>~/.zshrc
Manage files fast, powered by rust!
brew install dua-clidua interactive
cp on tren!
cargo install xcp# Alias to cpalias cp="xcp"
Generate a hexdump from a binary file and display the output