- Addresses Cons. A session ID is generated to track the user’s status during their visit
- The session ID is recorded both Server and in the Client
- On Client side, it is stored inside Cookie. This is the name origin for Session-Cookie
- On Server side, it is stored in the server Main Memory or an independent session server
- Users must still provide their username and password initially, after which the server creates a session for the user’s visit. Subsequent requests include the cookie, allowing the server to compare client-side and server-side session IDs
- Codeforces uses Session-Cookie Authentication, the cookie name is
Improved Security
Usually comes with TTL, and the token value has no relationship with the user password. So when a session token is leaked, the risk of data loss is smaller
XSS Attack
- The session Cookie can be hijacked by XSS attack which injects malicious scripts to send the session cookie to the hacker
CSRF Attack
- Hackers deceive users’ browsers into unknowingly executing actions on websites. Hackers create malicious sites or emails with links to the targeted site. When users click the link, their browser sends a request with their session Cookie, making the server believe it’s a genuine user request
- Websites can use anti-CSRF tokens or demand re-authentication for sensitive tasks to counter CSRF Attack
Hard to Scale
- Each Session-Cookie Authentication requires server-side storage of the session state. This can become a performance bottleneck as the number of users and sessions grows
Non-mobile Friendly
- Mobile app developers must directly manage cookies using the available APIs