
  • An Abstract Data Type (ADT) that operates similarly to a standard Queue, except each element inside the queue has a certain priority. This priority determines the order in which elements are removed from the priority queue.


A priority queue only supports comparable data, meaning that data inserted must be able to be ordered, either from least to greatest or greatest to least. This allows us to assign relative priorities to each element.

Priority Queues are usually implemented with heaps since this gives them the best possible time complexity.

When and Where is a Priority Queue Used?

A priority queue is a versatile data structure used in various scenarios where elements need to be processed based on their priority rather than their insertion order. Some common applications include:

Dijkstra’s Algorithm: Certain implementations of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm use priority queues to efficiently find the next closest node to the source.

Dynamic Fetching: Whenever you need to dynamically fetch the “next best” or “next worst” element, a priority queue can be very useful. For example, in task scheduling, the highest priority task would be fetched first.

Huffman Encoding: This lossless data compression technique uses priority queues to build the optimal encoding tree.

Best-First Search Algorithms: Algorithms like A* Search use priority queues to repeatedly select the most promising node for exploration based on a heuristic function.

Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms: Some algorithms for finding the minimum spanning tree, such as Prim’s algorithm, utilise priority queues to select the next edge with the minimum weight.

As you can see, priority queues are used extensively in graph-related algorithms.

Priority Queue Operations

OperationDescriptionTime Complexity (Average)Time Complexity (Worst)
add(element) / offer(element)Inserts an element into the priority queue.O(log n)O(log n)
poll()Removes and returns the highest priority element.O(log n)O(log n)
peek()Retrieves, but does not remove, the highest priority element.O(1)O(1)
remove(element)Removes a specific element.O(n)O(n)
contains(element)Checks if the queue contains a specific element.O(n)O(n)
size()Returns the number of elements in the queue.O(1)O(1)


We can optimise remove(element) and contains(element) to and , respectively, with the help of a hashmap.

Refer to this video for the implementation details.

add() vs offer()?

add(): If the queue is full, add() would throw an IllegalStateException.

offer(): If the queue is full, offer() would return false.

Flipping Priority Queues: Min to Max and Back

  • Programming languages usually come with either a min priority queue or a max priority queue.

How to have a max priority queue when the language only provides a min priority queue, and vice versa?

1. Negating the comparator value: Since priority queues are comparable (they implement some sort of comparable interface, such as Java’s Comparator interface), we can simply negate the comparison result.

2. Negating the elements: Another way is to negate the values before we insert them into the priority queue and negate them again when they are taken out.
