Allows the container to lock shared memory in a way that prevents it from being paged out to Disk, potentially improving performance for applications that rely heavily on shared memory operations.
It allows you to create a link between a directory or file on your host system (the system running Docker) and a directory or file inside the container
This enables data to be shared and persisted between the host and the container, even after the container is stopped and removed
# Mounting 2 volume, the config.yml file & .aws folderdocker run \ -v /home/xy241/Dropbox/RAid/aws_nuke/config.yml:/home/aws-nuke/config.yml \ -v /home/xy241/.aws:/home/aws-nuke/.aws
Append :ro at the end of -v to make the host machine read-only inside the Docker Container
Docker Container can’t write to host machine, but can only read the changes
Add extra -v to specify the files & folders that we don't want to sync from Docker Container to host machine