
Quick Select's average time complexity is O(n)

In the ideal case, after each iteration, Quick Select is able to remove half of the elements in the current array. Thus, the total number of elements it needs to process throughout the algorithm is , which converges to based on the geometric series rule.

This is why picking a good pivot point is critical. If the chosen pivot consistently falls at the middle point of the sorted array, we can remove half of the elements after each iteration.

Why Quick Select's worst case time complexity is O(n^2)?

The worst-case scenario occurs when you consistently choose the smallest or largest element as the pivot. This leads to unbalanced partitions, where one subarray contains nearly all the elements while the other has very few. In this scenario, you end up making recursive calls, each taking time for partitioning, resulting in a total time complexity of . Quicksort also suffers from the same issue.

Choosing a pivot randomly significantly reduces the probability of consistently picking bad pivots. However, if the array contains mostly the same value, Quick Select’s time complexity will always be , as each iteration will invariably result in an unbalanced partition.

Quick Select Implementation

  • The implementation below is using Java
public int quickSelect(int[] nums, int left, int right, int k) {
  // 1. Pivot Selection:
  //    - Choose a pivot index randomly within the current subarray (left to right).
  //    - This randomization helps avoid the worst-case O(n^2) scenario of 
  //      consistently picking bad pivots.
  Random rand = new Random();
  int pivotIdx = rand.nextInt(right - left + 1) + left;
  // 2. Partitioning:
  //    - Call the 'partition' function to rearrange elements around the pivot.
  //    - After partitioning, the pivot is placed at its final sorted position 
  //      (finalPivotIdx).
  //    - All elements smaller than the pivot are to its left.
  //    - All elements greater than the pivot are to its right.
  int finalPivotIdx = partition(nums, left, right, pivotIdx);
  // 3. Recursive Search:
  //    - Check if the final pivot index is the kth smallest element we're 
  //      looking for.
  //    - If it is, return the value at that index (nums[k]).
  if (finalPivotIdx == k) {
    return nums[k];
  //    - If the final pivot index is smaller than k, the kth smallest element 
  //      is in the right subarray. Recursively call 'quickSelect' on that subarray.
  else if (finalPivotIdx < k) {
    return quickSelect(nums, finalPivotIdx + 1, right, k);
  //    - If the final pivot index is larger than k, the kth smallest element 
  //      is in the left subarray. Recursively call 'quickSelect' on that subarray.
  else {
    return quickSelect(nums, left, finalPivotIdx - 1, k);
// Partition Function
public int partition(int[] nums, int left, int right, int pivotIdx) {
  // 1. Pivot Value and Swap:
  //    - Store the value at the pivot index.
  //    - Swap the pivot element with the rightmost element (this is for 
  //      convenience).
  int pivotVal = nums[pivotIdx];
  swap(nums, pivotIdx, right);
  // 2. Rearranging Elements:
  //    - Initialize a pointer 'left' to keep track of the boundary between
  //      smaller and larger elements.
  //    - Iterate through the subarray (excluding the rightmost element).
  //    - If an element smaller than the pivot is found, swap it with the 
  //      element at 'left' and increment 'left'.
  for (int i = left; i < right; i++) {
    if (nums[i] < pivotVal) {
      swap(nums, left, i);
  // 3. Final Swap:
  //    - After the loop, all elements smaller than the pivot are to the left 
  //      of 'left'.
  //    - Swap the pivot (currently at 'right') back to its final sorted 
  //      position ('left').
  swap(nums, left, right);
  // 4. Return Final Pivot Index:
  //    - Return the index where the pivot is now located. This is its final 
  //      sorted position.
  return left; 
// Swap Function (Helper)
public void swap(int[] arr, int i, int j) {
  int temp = arr[i];
  arr[i] = arr[j];
  arr[j] = temp;