
  • A method of proving a mathematical statement by starting with known facts (axioms, definitions, or previously proven theorems) and using logical steps to directly show that the statement in question is true

Applicable only when there is a starting point

It is difficult when the thing we want to prove has an absence of form, like the irrationality of a number, which is a number that is hard to express mathematically. In such cases, we can make use of Indirect Proof (反证法) to obtain a starting point.


Proof by Construction

  • Also known as Proof by Example
  • A form of Direct Proof that proves the existence of a mathematical object by actually providing a concrete example


For Existential Statement, we can proof by providing an example that fulfil the conditions.


Proof by Exhaustion

  • Also known as Proof by Brute-force or Proof by Cases
  • List down all the possible cases and check on all cases


Useful there is only a handful of possible cases.


Proof by Deduction (演绎推理)


Usually takes the form of - To show that every element of a set satisfies a certain property, suppose x is a particular but arbitrarily chosen element of the set, and show that x satisfies the property.
