
  • Algorithm that finds the index of a value in a sorted Array in O(logn)

Avoid Overflow

Intuitively, we usually use (right+left)/2 to find the mid point, but right+left is risky to Integer Overflow.

We can avoid this by using left + (right-left)/2.

Proof: let left be and right be ,

Array contains duplicate values

We are unable to determine the index of the target value if the elements in the given array aren’t unique. But we are still able to determine the first & last appearance of this particular value, see First Bad Version.

Handling Boundaries

Right Boundary Includes last Element (左闭右闭)

// Assuming nums is an array
// Setting the right boundary [left, right]
int right = nums.length-1;
// The while loop
while (left<=right){...}
// The shrinking of the range
left = mid+1; // When target is bigger
right = mid-1; // When target is smaller
  • The right boundary includes the index of an element of the array

Why left<=right and not left<right

For while (left<right){ ... }, the loop exits when left>=right, we may potentially miss an element which may be the desired value. Since right points to an valid index of the array.


Setting the boundary for left and right also depends on the question.

Binary search is generally used on index range. For questions like “Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix” where mid is the potential answer, we set right = mid and break the while loop when left == right, since left == right is the answer. We are using binary search on number range.

We can use binary search to search for a value in a 2D matrix, given that each row is sorted in non-decreasing order and the first integer of each row is greater than the last integer of the previous row. This approach utilises creative row and column indexing, where binary search is applied to the index range.

Right Boundary Excludes last Element (左闭右开)

// Assuming nums is an array
// Setting the right boundary [left, right)
int right = nums.length; 
// The while loop
while (left<right){...}
// The shrinking of the range
left = mid+1; // When target is bigger
right = mid; // When target is smaller
  • The right boundary excludes the index of an element of the array

Why left<right and not left<=right

For while (left<=right){ ... }, the loop exits when left>right, we will obtain a mid point that is nums.length when desired value is bigger than all of the values inside the array. And array[nums.length] will result in an indexOutRange error.

Hidden Power

  • We can use binary search in optimisation problems, not just finding an element inside Array


Assume we have a monotonic function f(x). The output of f(x) is proportional to its input x. That means the bigger the value of x, the smaller the output of f(x) or the bigger the value of x, the bigger the output of f(x). If we want to find the maximum/minimum value of x such that the output of f(x) is >= a constant value , we can make use of binary search!

The is the smallest value for x and is biggest value for x, the value of x acts as the index, and the output of f(x) acts as the value at that particular index.

Beer Feast Problem 🍻

We are having a beer feast for a group of guests. We have a total supply of 180 mugs of beers. Let x be the number of beers we provide to the guests. We have this magical function f(x) which calculates a consciousness score of the guests based on the number of beers we give. x is inversely proportional to the consciousness score, this means the more beer we give the less conscious guests get.

We want to know what is the maximum number of beers we can give and the guests can still maintain at least 50% consciousness. f(180) returns 0% consciousness and f(0) returns 100% consciousness.

We can make use of binary search to obtain the answer in . The is 0 beer and is 180 beers. We record down the value of mid and when the f(mid) is above 50% consciousness and when f(mid) is below 50% consciousness. When f(mid) gives 50%, the corresponding mid value is the the sweet spot for number of beers we can provide. If there isn’t a sweet spot, the maximum value of all the mid values recorded is the answer.