
  • Stand as Content Delivery Network

  • A network of geographically dispersed Cache Server used to deliver static content like images, videos, CSS, JavaScript files, etc

  • Enables the caching of HTML pages that are based on request path, query strings, Cookie, and request headers etc

  • The origin returns static assets to the CDN server, which includes optional Cache-Control which describes how long the static assets are cached one the Client

Efficient Crawler Page Indexing

By default, websites are indexed by crawlers like search engines passively. With Cloudflare’s Crawler Hints, crawlers will be notified to index or re-index the page when there is a change. This helps to have a more precise and on-time indexing of websites.

You can configure this on Cloudflare Caching Configuration.

Improved loading time

When a user visits a website, a CDN Server closest to the user will deliver static content. By doing so, the CDN server also helps to relieve the load on the origin server.

Appropriate cache expiry

For time-sensitive content, setting a cache expiry time is important.

It should neither be too long nor too short. If it is too long, the content might no longer be fresh. If it is too short, it can cause repeated loading of content from origin servers to the CDN, which leads to wasted Bandwidth.

CDN Fallback

If there is a temporary CDN outage, Client should be able to detect the problem and request resources from the origin. Thus ensuring Fault Tolerance (容错性).


Dynamic content caching is a relatively new concept.

CDN Cache Invalidation

  • We should be able to invalidate the CDN object using APIs provided by CDN vendors
  • Or allow versioning like image.png?v=2