

All elements in the given array are unique!


There is a simplified version called “Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array”. It is simpler because we only need to focus on using binary search to narrow down the search range to a single element. At each step, the logic is straightforward: move the left and right pointers to the smaller range.


  • When we obtain a mid value, there are only variables
  • First, is the the mid value in the first or second segment?
  • Second, is the mid value bigger or smaller than the target value?
  • We can model this into a truth table as shown below
1Current location: in second segment or the range only covers one segment.

Target value is bigger than the current mid value.
2Current location: in second segment or the range only covers one segment.

Target value is smaller than the current mid value.
3Current location: in first segment.

Target value is bigger than the current mid value.
4Current location: in first segment.

Target value is smaller than the current mid value.
  • isInFirst is obtained by comparing the current mid-value with the last element of the given array. If the current mid-value is bigger than the last element, we can confidently say that it belongs to the first segment, as all elements in the first segment are larger than those in the second
  • isSmaller is obtained by comparing the current mid-value with the target value. It is true when the target value is smaller than the mid-value

Action taken for Case 1

Move to left & right

The target value can be at the right side of the current mid value, but it can also be at the left side, because all elements in the first segment is bigger than the elements in the second segment.

So we need to perform another check here. We check if the target value is bigger than the last element of the second segment.

If yes, it means there is NO WAY the target value is in the second segment, and we should move to the LEFT side.

If no, it means there is NO WAY the target value is in the first segment, and we should move to the RIGHT side.

The logic holds when the range only covers one segment.

Action taken for Case 2

Move to left

The target value can ONLY be to the LEFT side of the current mid value because it is smaller. Moving to the right side will surely result in a bigger value within the second segment or range that only covers one segment.

Action taken for Case 3

Move to right

The target value can ONLY be to the RIGHT side of the current mid value because it is bigger. Moving to the left side will surely result in a smaller value within the first segment.

Action taken for Case 4

Move to left & right

The target value can be at the left side of the current mid value, but it can also be at the right side, because all elements in the second segment is smaller than the elements in the first segment.

So we need to perform another check here. We check if the target value is bigger than the last element of the second segment.

If yes, it means there is NO WAY the target value is in the second segment, and we should move to the LEFT side.

If no, it means there is NO WAY the target value is in the first segment, and we should move to the RIGHT side.

  • Below is the Java implementation based on the idea described above
class Solution {
  public int search(int[] nums, int target) {
    int left = 0;
    int right = nums.length - 1;
    while (left <= right) {
      int mid = left + (right - left) / 2;
      int midVal = nums[mid];
      if (midVal == target)
        return mid;
      boolean isInFirst = midVal > nums[right];
      boolean isSmaller = target < midVal;
      if (!isInFirst && !isSmaller) {
        if (target > nums[right]) {
          right = mid - 1;
        } else
          left = mid + 1;
      } else if (!isInFirst && isSmaller) {
        right = mid - 1;
      } else if (isInFirst && !isSmaller) {
        left = mid + 1;
      } else if (isInFirst && isSmaller) {
        if (target > nums[right]) {
          right = mid - 1;
        } else
          left = mid + 1;
    return -1;