
  • Handles situations where we try to access non-existent resources gracefully
  • For example, it prevents issues like Segmentation Fault by shifting error detection from runtime to compile-time

Optional Datatype

  • A special datatype designed to achieve null safety
  • The Optional datatype can either contain a value or be empty
  • When a programmer writing his/her codes, the Compiler will only compile if he/she handles the Optional explicitly
  • This feature is supported only in languages that provide both Generics and Compilation capabilities


Safe Navigation

  • Also known as Optional Chaining
  • Provides a safe way to interact with potentially null or undefined values at runtime. When a null or undefined is encountered, the program short-circuits and safely returns undefined instead of throwing an error.


In Node.js, you can place a ? (optional chaining operator) after a variable or property before accessing its value. If the variable or property is null or undefined, it will return undefined instead of causing the program to crash.


When writing code, programmers can use Code Quality Assurance Tools such as Linters to identify code patterns that might lead to unexpected undefined values and ensure better code quality.