循序渐进, 负重前行. 砥砺前进, 天道酬勤.
Step by step, embrace great challenges. Advance with determination, diligence brings rewards.
Please feel free to provide feedback regarding the accuracy of the notes, etc.
🎓 NUS Computer Science
- CS2106 Introduction to Operating Systems
- CS1231S Discrete Structures
- CS2100 Computer Organisation
- CS2030S Programming Methodology II
🏭 System Design
💻 Operating System
🖥️ Computer Organisation
🧠 Data Structure & Algorithm
👩💻 Competitive Programming
➕ Math
🔤 Programming Language
🛠️ Software Engineering
- Software Engineering Theories
- Amazon Web Services
- Datadog - Application Monitoring
- Security
- Docker (Under heavy revision)
- Object Oriented Programming