
  • A deadlock occurs when two or more processes are waiting for each other to release locks on resources they need to continue processing. This results in a situation where none of the processes can proceed, and they end up waiting indefinitely


When all Coffman conditions are fulfilled, it doesn’t guarantee a deadlock, it just makes the system prone to one. A deadlock can only happen if there is more than one lock.


We have Deadlock Handling Strategies to handle deadlocks.

Coffman conditions


Coffman conditions are useful for understanding and diagnosing deadlock situations. They provide a foundation for designing algorithms and systems that avoid deadlocks.

Mutual Exclusion

  • At least one resource must be held in a non-shareable mode
  • This means that only one Process (进程) can use the resource at any given time. If another process requests the resource, that process must wait until the resource has been released

Hold and Wait

  • A process must be holding at least one resource and waiting to acquire additional resources that are currently held by other processes.

No Preemption

  • Resources cannot be preempted from a process. They can only be released by the process holding them, typically after the process has finished its task.

Circular Wait

  • There exists a set of waiting processes such that P0 is waiting for a resource held by P1, P1 is waiting for a resource held by P2, and so on, with Pn waiting for a resource held by P0

Deadlock Handling Strategies

Deadlock Prevention

  • Ensure that at least one of the Coffman conditions does not hold. For example, by implementing a resource allocation policy that ensures no Circular Wait

Deadlock Avoidance

  • The system has some additional a prior information available
  • The most famous algorithm used for deadlock avoidance is the Banker’s Algorithm

Deadlock Detection

  • The system periodically checks for Deadlock (死锁). If detected, actions are taken to recover from it

Deadlock Ignorance

  • Simply ignore the problem and assume Deadlock (死锁) will never occur.
  • This is suitable for some environments where deadlocks are rare and the overhead of other handling strategies is not justified